December 25, 2017


Frankly, i don't have any idea on what to blog today but i just feel like logging in, and so i did. Few minutes later, the idea popped out since i got my best 9 photos on Instagram from Google. Clearly 4 out of 9 best Instagram photos for 2017 are photos of me with my convocation jubah. Well, true enough since me, my sister and my best friend were graduating this year (And obviously, I don't know what convocation jubah is called in English speaking world but whatever will Google later). 

2017 has been good to me so far (Alhamdulillah). I can claim that 2017 is one of my most productive year since it was my non stop journey from completing my degree, to working part time at Shell learning about coffee, know a lot of people and the year of me pursuing my Master's degree. I was once so afraid of not being accepted to pursue my Master's degree cause pursuing Master's degree is one of the ultimate goal in my life and at that time, i don't feel like working yet or even feel like browsing for a permanent job related to my field. Thus, pursuing my studies shall be one of the best option and again, Alhamdulillah here i am. 

I don't know what 2018 or what the future holds for me but i pray that i get better in everything by days. Can't believe that i'm turning 25 real soon. I was once thought that 25 year-old is old enough and now, in one and a half month time, i will be 25. Time is a funny thing. I mean, last year i was worrying sick about whatsoever, and today, it doesn't even matter anymore. Last year i have so much hate on someone, and today, i just couldn't care less. See? I love how we all learn with time. No matter how high the ego, how tall the wall or how fat the chance is, most of them will change in time. Not instantly, but eventually. For the better. And i am the living proof of that. 

Guess i wrap 2017 way too early since we still have a week left for 2017. Anything can happen in a week (May Allah ease). Before i sit with a brand new 2018 planner getting ready to map out 2018, i would like to just take a moment, look at 2017 and say thank you. Thank you for the memories, the lessons that taught me, the simple joys that marked my days and for enabling me to do what i love. It's always so exciting to say good riddance to the current year and give a big waving arms hello to a brighter new year. 2018 is going to be a great one and we'll get there soon enough.

December 7, 2017


I can't believe i didn't blog about my convocation yet. I might not even blog about it. Ugh. Well, i was actually already so ready to blog about my convocation day last November. But then i was waiting for our pre-convocation photos. And when we already got all the photos, i just don't have that much time no more. Nah, i do have some free time, but i prefer to sleep, eat and sleep, eat and repeat. Like, what else? I need my rest too duh! And thank God for this 1 hour waiting for my evening class in the FSKM Postgraduate Lounge. So instead of doing my tons of work, i'm just gonna fly my fingers on the keyboard for this post. Hehe. 

Literally we only have like 2 weeks until we end this semester. I swear especially next week gonna be hellish to achieve the tightest schedule possible since it feels as if all the lecturers were like sitting together and like "Ok let's just torture these kids. Tell them to submit everything, give them all the freaking tests during week 13 hahaha" And the students were like, "What even guys? Have you guys ever heard the word mercy?" And the lecturers reply altogether, "Kids, we invented MERCY. All of you are postgraduate students already. Stop being such a baby or we will send all of you back to degree or maybe kindergarden" (?)

OK. Enough with the voices in my head. Damn. I swear i can go all day with the voices since i have a lot of imaginary friends and imaginary situations and all of the imaginary thingy. 

Back to the point. So, this semester gonna end on this 22nd Dec. But we will present our dissertation proposal on 10th Jan. I really really really hope that i can pass all of these 5 subjects of the semester including my proposal (AMEN!). So that i can celebrate my 25th birthday next Feb worry free. I know it's only Dec and i'm already looking forward for Feb. But i swear time is racing toward us like no other. I know i may be too young to feel like i'm running out of time. But honey, everybody always running out of time regardless their age. I don't even know why. Only God knows. May Allah ease us our December. Amen!