September 10, 2019


Tbh, my sister is always into martial art. She wanted to learn and know the basic of at least one in a lifetime but never really got the chance to learn one before. Until when our Kak Lin invited us to join Taekwondo class at Titiwangsa, KL on every Sunday morning at 9am together with her daughter, who is as well, our little cousin, Damia. So yeah, we signed up for the class because why not right?

We were the only 'adults' in the class lol. Me and my sister were in the same batch with Damia. Oh, our first day was on the 25th March 2018 which was last year. Damia was only seven back then. All of her same age friends were in the same group with me and my sister. Haha. It was really fun though. I mean, it's funny how the kids never really listen to the Masters (read: Taekwondo teachers) but they did pick up and memorized everything. When you were learning the same lesson together with the kids, the Master won't really be mad at you for anything because the kids can messed up better hahaha. 

Having class on Sunday morning was somehow a challenge. We skipped on purpose literally every two or three weeks. There were times when we were tired during the weekdays and don't feel like attending the class on Sunday. And sometimes, we got kenduri and etc. Tbh, i started to skip the Taekwondo class very frequently once when i was already in Sungkai, Perak. Then, few weeks before the Blue Belt grading, me and my sister decided to call it a quit. Not only because the spirit wasn't there anymore but because of many other constraints along with it. One of it was the radius distance from where we currently stay to Titiwangsa, KL. 

So we made it until the Green Belt, Blue Tag. Literally one belt closer until the Blue Belt. Tbh, i was very firm to quit the class but once we informed our Masters (Master Yap Yih Tiing & Master Yap Seong) that we wanted to quit, i feel like a big lost for myself. Shame. One, because we were already halfway to the Black Belt. My initial intention was not to quit until the Black Belt. But as much as i wanted to pursue Taekwondo, i know it too well that we will not going to commit our 100% especially because the class is held on only every Sunday morning.

Two, because i feel like i am currently doing nothing at the moment other than working. It's crazy how months ago, there were so many to achieve; to finish my dissertation, to get a permanent job, aiming to get the Taekwondo Black Belt. But when two of these are checked and i decided to quit Taekwondo, i ended up feeling empty on the inside. Like, okay what now? Haha.

I may sound like whatever but that is truly how i feel at the moment. I think i should figure out something else on what to do with my life other than just wake up in the morning, go to work and come back from work. Yknow. But definitely not to pursue PhD at the moment lol. I mean, give me a break for a second. I do love relaxing at home after work doing nothing. But not entirely nothing. Brb singing, "there must be more than this provincial life".

I know most of us already got their Black Belt since high school or etc. But i am still happy for myself (and my sister) even though we only managed to achieve until the Green Belt (for now). Some of my friends did laugh at me for started a Taekwondo class at such age while i was not even that physically tough cookie and needless to mention, because i was / am fat (?) But i believe that not many of us have the courage to attend class together with kids that were 18 years younger, while knowing that they were all can do better. So yeah. Me and my sister might not know the simple tricks of self defense when we were younger, but we know some now. At least to prepare for the rainy days. 

P/S: Learning is a lifelong process. Nobody is telling us to learn new things only during our young ages.