February 24, 2020


Me and my family got a new car for me! Yayy! A brand new Bezza 1.3 AV with my birth date as the plate number hehe. And my Kancil can finally rest well and just go for the shortest distance near home compared to before. Fyi, this Kancil has been with our family since 2002 and still going to be with us until then (read: not for sale). InsyaAllah. Alhamdulillah. Thank you Kancil for all of your hard work and pain all these years and welcome Bezza to our family. Lots of love, your owner. 

February 19, 2020


Age is truly just a number and i think that society really just sets such expectations for us to feel like we need to have something or be something by a certain age. It may be good at some point for us to keep going and to never stay at the same damn position forever. But on the other note, it isn't fair to pressure ourselves to feel like by a certain age, this and that should already be happening in life because whats meant to be will definitely be and vice versa. There is no time limit on the things that should happens because when thing happens, it happens.

At the age of 27, i would say for where i am in my life personally and professionally, i am exactly where i would want to be. Though sometimes i feel like i am actually more than who i am now but hm, never mind, in time i will figure myself out in a better way. Of course there are far too much to take in here in this lifetime. But i guess i am good as for now. Hehe. So here are five major things i learn at the age of 27;

No one is going to do anything for you
In this life, if we want something to happen, we have to work our ass off and make it happen. No fairy godmother is going to come and create a dream carriage for us. Life is what we make of it. If we want to do good in this world, the do good. Opportunities don't just fall from the sky (it does but very rarely) so we got to make it happen ourselves. 

You cannot change people
For years i've been trying to control the outcome of relationships, work, etc. I've tried to make people stay in my life, but they just leave. I've tried to please people, but they never pleased. I've tried to make people see how i can do things at my best, but if they choose to not see it, they will never see it. This year i realized that it is what it is. I choose to be more accepting because people are set in their ways for their own reasons. We can never control things that are out of our control. 

You are going to get criticized no matter what you do. So just do you
We've all been criticized at one time or another. No matter where we are in life, people will always have something to say. Sometimes we think we are doing it well but from another point of view, what we do are still not enough and sometimes even not okay at all. Critics are good for us to develop ourselves. But let's just focus on the positive side of it. So, just live our lives and do things that make us happy on daily basis.  

Do what you love. Not what you are told to love
I frequently be in the position where i don't want to do something but i do it anyway because other people want to do it, or because other people told me to do so. Back then i think that it is okay for me to fake some things just to fit in and to 'force' myself be in the position that i don't even want to be in the first place. But as i get older, i learn that everybody in this world has different interests and opinions about everything and it is not a bad thing as long as we don't violate and harassing others'. If someone prefers being a workaholic, strong-minded and wouldn't mind working extra hours everyday, it is okay as long as that person is okay with that preference. Same goes if someone is a family person and prefer a balance, happy life, there's nothing wrong with that too. Life is short. Just do what we love. Not what we are told to love. And by all means, let other people do what they love too. 

Be nice because being a jerk gets you nowhere
Jerks: You've met them. I've met them. We've been one of them. Well, for some reasons, sometimes it feels good to be a bad person and it always feels good to win an argument. But in the end, being a bad person really gets us nowhere because we are not going to live forever and we are not going to have power forever. We still need others to help us in something. So let's be nice. Not only to other people but to the animals, to the environment, to everything because being nice and do good can really takes us a long way. 

Isn't it, isn't it, isn't it?