March 28, 2020


Last 16th March, our Malaysian Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced that Malaysia will effectively be pausing all non-essential activities starting from 18th March until 30th March as an initiative to stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus in our country. And recently on the 25th March, the Malaysia Movement Control Order (MCO) was extended until 14th April 2020. 

It's crazy how a month ago, we never expected something like this to ever happen to Malaysia, to the world. Even few days before the MCO, honestly i was kinda sick and lost my voice for several days due to sore throat. But i still went to work because a lot need to be done and some of my works can be like, pending without my presence at the office. So when i was sick, i was somehow wishing to have some days off for me to rest my sick body and my mind. And then, abracadabra! The MCO. Haha. A blessing in disguise. 

However, i find it absurd of how our people are bullheaded and disobey the MCO. I mean, the instructions are crystal clear and only for the sake of our health. General prohibition of mass movements and gatherings across the country, to STAY AT HOME and practice SOCIAL DISTANCING. But some of us are still stubborn and act like the virus is nothing to them.

On a serious note, it is okay if you are stubborn as a mule, get the virus and die alone. But the issue is, Covid-19 spreads very easily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. And the virus can even last on surfaces for hours. Like, if you are infected, the people around you also have high probability of being infected too. The reason why we have to practice the basic protective measures against this corona virus. And STOP BEING SELFISH. This isn't just about you. It is about the people around you, the people you love as well. Ugh! And don't let me go to when people were panic buying and left nothing on the shelves for others. Smh. Like seriously, our selfishness could kill a lot faster than the virus. So please, work jointly towards the same end. 

I also understand that during this MCO, we will have plenty of time to observe and do a lot of things and to think the unthinkable. But as weird and frightening as it is, the MCO doesn't have to be entirely worthless. They are obviously a lot of things we can do at home to make us feel more relaxed, more useful, more cultured and normal. Or we can just not doing anything at all. Because somehow, for me, self-isolation is good. We need that and been asking for that one time or another. This is the time. Enjoy it while it last.

And please, let's just focus on the good things. I hate seeing some people been complaining 24/7 online as if their lives are over, or even using their spare time to spread hate here and there. I mean, come on guys, our front liners are struggling so hard and people are dying. And all we are asked to do is to be a hero by just staying at home. This kind of act is only happening like once in a blue moon. So stop creating recipe for your own stress. Seriously, we will all be doing fine if we use our head a little more. 

As for myself, i still work from home during the weekdays. My working life still goes on one way or another. Only during this time, i can wake up at 8.55 in the morning and be on my working table at 9. Hahaha. And honestly i never cook outside from my house. I mean, i will only cook while i am at my hometown. I never cook anywhere other than my hometown even at the house that i rent for many months lol. Because i just don't feel like to. But this MCO really forced me to cook here. The last 'big' meal that i cooked was Nasi Lemak. And the rest until today, it was either my sister's cooking or i just cooked the simplest meal like Nasi Goreng or fried eggs with simple Sambal. Hehe. 

So yeah, we all know that this MCO, self-isolation or quarantine is one of the efforts and key strategies in flattening the curve of the Covid-19 infection rates. We may already extended the MCO until two more weeks but please put our efforts together so that the date will not be extended again, and so that our country will be free from this virus real soon forever. Our hearts also goes to those around the world who have been impacted by this novel corona virus. And may Allah protect us, our family, our country and this world from this Covid-19. This too shall pass. InsyaAllah. Amin YRA.

P/S: Let us also not forget about the stray animals around us. Please spare yourself some of the cat foods in your car so that when you find one of these strays you can directly feed them. They need our help and empathy too to stay alive. God bless you #LeaveNoOneBehind