December 25, 2017


Frankly, i don't have any idea on what to blog today but i just feel like logging in, and so i did. Few minutes later, the idea popped out since i got my best 9 photos on Instagram from Google. Clearly 4 out of 9 best Instagram photos for 2017 are photos of me with my convocation jubah. Well, true enough since me, my sister and my best friend were graduating this year (And obviously, I don't know what convocation jubah is called in English speaking world but whatever will Google later). 

2017 has been good to me so far (Alhamdulillah). I can claim that 2017 is one of my most productive year since it was my non stop journey from completing my degree, to working part time at Shell learning about coffee, know a lot of people and the year of me pursuing my Master's degree. I was once so afraid of not being accepted to pursue my Master's degree cause pursuing Master's degree is one of the ultimate goal in my life and at that time, i don't feel like working yet or even feel like browsing for a permanent job related to my field. Thus, pursuing my studies shall be one of the best option and again, Alhamdulillah here i am. 

I don't know what 2018 or what the future holds for me but i pray that i get better in everything by days. Can't believe that i'm turning 25 real soon. I was once thought that 25 year-old is old enough and now, in one and a half month time, i will be 25. Time is a funny thing. I mean, last year i was worrying sick about whatsoever, and today, it doesn't even matter anymore. Last year i have so much hate on someone, and today, i just couldn't care less. See? I love how we all learn with time. No matter how high the ego, how tall the wall or how fat the chance is, most of them will change in time. Not instantly, but eventually. For the better. And i am the living proof of that. 

Guess i wrap 2017 way too early since we still have a week left for 2017. Anything can happen in a week (May Allah ease). Before i sit with a brand new 2018 planner getting ready to map out 2018, i would like to just take a moment, look at 2017 and say thank you. Thank you for the memories, the lessons that taught me, the simple joys that marked my days and for enabling me to do what i love. It's always so exciting to say good riddance to the current year and give a big waving arms hello to a brighter new year. 2018 is going to be a great one and we'll get there soon enough.

December 7, 2017


I can't believe i didn't blog about my convocation yet. I might not even blog about it. Ugh. Well, i was actually already so ready to blog about my convocation day last November. But then i was waiting for our pre-convocation photos. And when we already got all the photos, i just don't have that much time no more. Nah, i do have some free time, but i prefer to sleep, eat and sleep, eat and repeat. Like, what else? I need my rest too duh! And thank God for this 1 hour waiting for my evening class in the FSKM Postgraduate Lounge. So instead of doing my tons of work, i'm just gonna fly my fingers on the keyboard for this post. Hehe. 

Literally we only have like 2 weeks until we end this semester. I swear especially next week gonna be hellish to achieve the tightest schedule possible since it feels as if all the lecturers were like sitting together and like "Ok let's just torture these kids. Tell them to submit everything, give them all the freaking tests during week 13 hahaha" And the students were like, "What even guys? Have you guys ever heard the word mercy?" And the lecturers reply altogether, "Kids, we invented MERCY. All of you are postgraduate students already. Stop being such a baby or we will send all of you back to degree or maybe kindergarden" (?)

OK. Enough with the voices in my head. Damn. I swear i can go all day with the voices since i have a lot of imaginary friends and imaginary situations and all of the imaginary thingy. 

Back to the point. So, this semester gonna end on this 22nd Dec. But we will present our dissertation proposal on 10th Jan. I really really really hope that i can pass all of these 5 subjects of the semester including my proposal (AMEN!). So that i can celebrate my 25th birthday next Feb worry free. I know it's only Dec and i'm already looking forward for Feb. But i swear time is racing toward us like no other. I know i may be too young to feel like i'm running out of time. But honey, everybody always running out of time regardless their age. I don't even know why. Only God knows. May Allah ease us our December. Amen!

November 6, 2017


It was a boring evening at the Postgraduate Lounge, FKSM when i scrolled through the Instagram and suddenly saw a post from a Make Up Artist (MUA) saying that she needs a model for a makeup class. I don't even wait for a second thought that i directly Whatsapp-ed her telling that i was interested. She told me to send her a photo (or two) of mine. And she will hit me back if i'm the one she's been looking for. And two weeks later, she contacted me and told me that i'm the chosen one. I was happy like, of course! Why shouldn't i? Only this one thing that makes me unhappy... The MUA told me to wear a shawl instead of bawal, my eternal ideal headscarf. I swear i never look good when i'm wearing other than bawal. I know most of my friends including my sister told me that i look pretty or okay in it or whatever, but i know myself so much. Cause i'll never gonna look as good as wearing bawal when i put on a shawl on my head.  No second opinion. But yeah, it's okay though. It's not that bad right blabla. 

So the makeup class was held at Seksyen U12, Shah Alam. Only about 3km from my house here. The class started from 10am until 5pm. From 10am until 1pm was the time for students (including my MUA) to learn about the makeup skills and whatnot. In this class, they were learning about how to do bridal makeup; smoky makeup and doll makeup. On my face was the dolly look. I mean, come on, it's obvious. The 'teachers' show them on how to apply the makeup with a demonstration on this one model. I swear the model looks very pretty. I don't know if it's the makeup, but she also looks kinda haughty. Maybe because of the attitude that the makeup gave her. Idk. And on 2pm onwards, after the class break, the students will do the makeup with their models of which one of the models was me. 

I swear the makeup literally took about two to three hours long. This is my second time a MUA did makeup for me. She took more than half an hour only for the eyebrows. Somehow, she did a great job tbh. To me, she was very thorough and committed to her job. I like her. In fact, i do feel pretty and different. And i do feel like a doll too. Except for the fact that my round face is just not meant to wear a shawl. So i still think if i were wearing bawal, i'll look better. Haha. Thank you to the MUA for giving me such opportunity. It's a win win situation because she was learning too. Which she was actually just experimenting the makeup on my face. But still, i looked pretty so it's okay hunny hehe. Probably gonna hire her in the future for such events. Maybe.

P/S: I apologize for not mentioning the MUA's name or tagged her in my Instagram photos. It's not that i don't want people to acknowledge her with such talent. It's just that, i have insecurities. Lol! She posted a before and after photo of me and the before applying the makeup photo, i think i look ugly as hell. I swear i'm not that ugly irl guys. I can prove that okay! I really hope that nobody that knows me will ever see that photo. Amin!

November 3, 2017


We got a 5 hours Statistical Modelling test yesterday (it was supposed to be only 3 hours, but the questions were ugh so the Professor extended it up until 5 hours). Along the way while answering the "only" 2 questions, my only thought was, "I want this to end real quick. Please end this very soon. Cepatlah cepatlah penat sakit otak!". I swear this semester is way more tiring and stressful compared to the previous semesters. I am well aware about this semester since most of the seniors were whining all the time about how suffering the semester was. But actually i thought that i can handle it lol! I was wrong. Yes i said it. Who cares?!

I never wanted for the semester to end that much until now. I almost gave up that i wanted to quit my Master studies for real (just for a moment). I feel like the more i'm studying, the more i explore about everything, the unwiser i am becoming. But i'm not blaming anyone or anything about it. Since i believe that that is the actual concept of learning. Because every time you learned about something, there's always something else that you need to learn related to it. It's a never ending loop. Like, you might feel like reaching the summit but you'll never gonna go beyond that. Okay i lost point on what i was about to say. But, you get my point right? K.

As much as i'm tired of my studies, i thank god that He makes me someone who is firm with her decisions (Alhamdulillah). I always know what i want. This is what i want. I will NEVER gonna quit my studies just because of how slow learner or how sad and tired i am of everything. Though i actually really wanna quit my study cause i hate everything, everyone and every every every *screaming internally*. On the contrary, in actual fact, the obstacles actually doesn't block the path. They are the path. At the end of the day, if i get tired, i always need to learn to rest. Not to quit. I am not a quitter. I won't feed my demons. I won't let people being happy seeing me fall. I won't let people underestimating for a long time. And because of my need to know is forever greater than the desire to be fooled. 

May Allah ease Afiqah Norazizi's Master's Degree journey that she ace (or at least pass) all of the subjects, graduate on time, get a decent job, get married to a great husband, be productive along the way, be happily ever after and may Allah accept this Dua. Amin Ya Rabbal'alamin. 

Also, something to ponder:
“Barangsiapa yang menginginkan dunia maka hendaklah berilmu. Barangsiapa yang menginginkan akhirat, maka hendaklah berilmu. Dan barangsiapa yang menginginkan keduanya, maka hendaklah dengan ilmu.”

October 30, 2017


I love weekends so much that it hurts my feeling when it's weekdays. Plus it's already end of October of which the time that all of us (the students) will be getting super busy with assignments, group projects and whatnot. I swear i burn the midnight oil literally every night that i even feel like there's no oil left to burn for the coming days because i'm already zombie af since i sleep for only 3 to 4 hours per day. Zzzz. Wait, plot twist! I'm actually not even a zombie yet hahaha. Such a drama queen. But it's not that i enjoy giving up on my hobby (read: sleep on my bed) and only sleep on the couch everyday because there's loads of work to be done. Somehow, i feel grateful for the energy that i have. I mean, my body is not easily tired lately. Perhaps because of the peer pressure since everybody is working very hard, that my body as well force herself to not being a weak lamb. Like, even though yesterday i only sleep for 2 hours and today, i still can up all night to do this and that. Idk about you, but i feel amazing lol. Let's see how i'll be in two weeks time. I wonder if the word amazing is still appearing. Ha!

Ok why am i here again in the first place? SHELL MALAYSIA MOTOR GP 2017! I've always wanted to go to Sepang to experience a race since like forever. But i don't really make any initiative to go there back then. And when my high school girl, Miraz posted about the Motor GP on the WhatsApp Group, i absentmindedly, straightly booked two tickets from her. It's only RM60 per ticket for the Hillstand. But God knows how hot the weather was there. I even effed up and get a sunburn. But maybe just our luck, Pak Long Pijan was there too. It's us who contacted him first to asked about the parking area and whatnot. And then he told us to meet him somewhere and poof! MAIN GRANDSTAND PASS FOR BOTH OF US! I can't even contained my excitement when he told us about the pass. May Allah bless Pak Long Pijan.

I love the idea of women riding a superbike that i wanna be one of them. Well, this may just be a wishful thinking but whatever. Hahaha. Perhaps someday i might get myself one. God knows. Me and my sister were literally in our zones and dreaming of owning one superbike when we were there. So dreamy that i don't even have a time to feel insecure with the pretty, super skinny models that were also there. Though i was figuratively like a fat ass potato when i'm next to them. Lol. And the Grand Prix was indeed grand. So much excitement, so much to look forward to. Even the sound was too loud that i can't even hear anything but the good quality engine sounds. I had so much fun though i know nothing about Grand Prix. Yeah, i had fun. And that's all that matters. Another one crossed off the bucket list. Alhamdulillah. 

October 27, 2017


"We were sad of getting old it made us restless.
Oh i'm so mad i'm getting old it makes me reckless"

October 23, 2017


Sarah Yazmin's Graduation Day (15/10/2017) at UiTM Shah Alam

Syaqirin Norazizi's Graduation Day (17/10/2017) at UiTM Segamat

Statistics ASEAN Run 2017 (21/10/2017) at Putrajaya Corporation

So my mid semester break already come to an end. Time is so rude for running out fast. Even though i know that time and tide wait for no man (or woman, indeed). But at least let me breathe or give me another week or two to sleep and rest (?) I don't even remember the last time i get a decent sleep in my life tbh. Ugh. Okay i'm talking crap rn. Cause i just woke up in the morning, feel tired and decided to blog first. Who's to blame now?

So far, my mid semester break was kinda productive. Except for the fact that i miss one hiking activity with my sister and cousins because i was too lazy to wake my ass up from the bed that morning. And needless to mention, i got sudden acne breakout on my face on that particular morning. Like, the previous days before, i glance in the mirror and proudly notice that my skin is close to clear. But then i went to Segamat, the weather was scorching hot, and of course i take the blame for not washing my face with all my heart on the night before, and boom! Acne. It's frustrating, to say the least. Thankfully, my skin is okay now. Only there's still one acne under my nose that i know will result to scar later on. Oh lord, please listen to my plea. Grant me that clear skin i have desired for a long. Amen!

Back to the reason why i'm here; MY BESTFRIEND AND MY LITTLE SISTER ARE FINALLY GRADUATED! Out of frying pan and into the fire gals! I'm such a proud sister to both. UiTM has moulded them very well. To those with narrow minded views who still believe that UiTM is not a good alma mater, i bet you never see how good our students and alumni are doing inside and outside the country. And i bet you never met my bestfriend and my sister as well. Ha! To my bestfriend, Sarah Yazmin and my blood sister, Syaqirin Norazizi, throw those mortarboard higher the next time once you guys have completed your Master and Degree. And then reach the sky. Your potentials are endless. My prayers are always with you two. May Allah bless always. Much love. 

Oh, i also joined a 3km marathon last Saturday. It was fun. My first ever marathon i guess. Nevertheless, since my legs don't remember the last time we run that far. I bet it was during my PLKN which was 6 years ago. So yeah, i'm having running pain on my upper legs right now. I know this pain will last up to 2 or maybe 3 days cause i've been in this situation too many times before. And please don't remind me about how piece of cake 3km marathon was. Cause it's not that i didn't acknowledge the fact that other people are doing 10km up to 20km marathon but hello, other people may say, better to be sore than sorry. But since i'm not like other people, i feel sorry for myself because of this sore legs that result from the "only" 3km marathon. Cause i always deserved so much better. Lol. Why do i sound like a pettifogger?

And just like that, it's already Monday. End of my 1 week holiday, and i got tons of workload waiting for me to finish them. I really just can't wait to finish this semester. But i don't want to nag around about how hard and how stressful my master studies or whatever. Because in all honestly, everyone is struggling. Let's pray for the best. Eventually, this too shall pass. Amen!

October 12, 2017


Tbh, i have lot of work to do atm, so i promise myself that this is going to be one real quick post. 15 minutes break, promise!

So, i went to SASA this evening hoping to only spend about RM30 there but then i splurged up to RM85 on only mascara and this damn spring water. But somehow i didn't regret that much since i really need a brand new 35 bucks mascara for my bestfriend's and my sister's convocation day this coming week. And the other 50 bucks on trio pack (50 ml each) of Avène Thermal Spring Water was kinda worth every penny. It was a buy 2 free 1 deal (it gets me everytime). Actually, i was looking for a makeup finishing / setting spray. Not because i need one. Only cause i want one lol. And i ended up with this spring water because the beauty consultant suggested me so.

I honestly know nothing about spring water or whatever associated with it before. Probably because i don't really need one in the first place. But hey, i guess my skin is thirsty for it ever since today fgs! Wait, what's so special about this water darl? You just bought it and have it with you for about 3 hours are you kidding me that you already make a review about this thing? RM50 for only 3 cans of water in white metallic bottle with spray nozzles. Is it sprinkled with unicorn dust or confetti to make your skin glow? Well, no honey, it's really just water. Haha!

So, after minutes of unnecessary research on Google like of course, where else? It's said that the precious water is from the Cévennes Mountains in Avène, France. I don't even know how to pronounce it correctly since French is not my first language, whatever. It's basically magical water that said will solve a ton of your beauty woes. Well, let's see the magic on me skin later on. It's one of a kind. You can do the reading more by clicking here: Avène Thermal Spring Water. I find it very convenient that i can take it wherever i go inside my handbag because it's travel sized. Beautifully cooling but never too cold. I already sprayed it on my face only a couple of hundred times because that's just me. I get easily obsessed with new things. And hope this one will suit my skin. Better be worth it. Amen to that! Okay back to work fiqazizi.

October 1, 2017


If you wake up and don't make yourself coffee that you bought at the grocery store earlier this month, then out for work to finally stop at Starbucks and spend RM18 for a cup of coffee, then i guess you know exactly what i mean. Like, isn't it bizarre that people are patiently (or maybe not so) waiting in a over crowded parking lot, spend precious time, to free up so they can walk inside, wait in an even longer line and pay more for a cup of coffee (?) Does it actually worth the exertion? Idk. You tell yourself.

I believe that the only things we spend time and money on are things that we believe are worth more than they cost. But somehow, i kinda feel that sometimes (not really sometimes tbh), we don't buy certain things because of what it's worth or because we really need them. But it's because of our must-have-it-right-now culture that lead to immense anxiety in life. As living proof, there are many who will be jumping at the chance to be the first on their block to have the new iPhone X. Is anyone willing to pay such high price for a mobile phone? You bet. On top of that, for me, it is 100% okay if you have no money issue at all. Because fgs, if you have a lot of money, you can buy anything your heart desires and whatever price is never a problem. But what about those who spend money faster than they make it or even spend money they don't even have for trivial things like an iPhone X while their phones are still functioning well? More often than not, it leads to accruing at least some debt and saving too little for a rainy day. But why do people still do it? Does it really make us happy? Like, really?

I can say that it's actually a psychologically verified thing. Buying things make us visualise ourselves as in a 'better' life. Especially when we dressed nice, surrounded by cool things and looking expensive as a bonus. It actually brings no harm until we recklessly spending for that 'verification' that leads to overspending. Well, i can conclude that binging on things you don't even need in the first place is way worse than food binging at night lol. And sure as for me, i can blame the society and the stores all i want because of this. But in the end, i can only be aware of how my brain is falling for these tricks *insert related emojis*

Last but not least, a note to self as well of course; Don't buy stuff you can't afford, with money you don't have, to impress people that don't even care AT ALL. Act your wage. You shall be fine.

September 13, 2017


Kuala Lumpur 2017 (read: 29th SEA Games) was my first ever experience of going to the stadium for such event and this memories are some of the best that i ever had. The first step in the stadium was, for me, absolutely amazing and the moment was as good as i ever imagined it would be. The events itself were spectacular and the team did a great job in making the experience particularly special. I mean, it's great to watch and support our SEA Games from television but when you went to Opening Ceremony and the Games, it really hits you that you're actually at the SEA Games. The crowd seems pretty big to me. And needless to mention, all the lighting inside the stadium was grand and glorious. 

Me and my sister were at first only intended to go for the Opening Ceremony but one thing led to another, when the experience was beyond expectation, we decided to go and experience Closing Ceremony at Bukit Jalil National Stadium itself. We both were supposed to be volunteers for the Bowling Games at Sunway Pyramid. Unfortunately, i was sick and diagnosed with dengue on the day we supposed to go for a rehearsal and training at Sunway Pyramid. And this was the reason why we decided to go to Bukit Jalil for the Opening Ceremony. The Closing Ceremony was held on 30th August 2017 which also on the Merdeka Eve. Home advantage, Malaysia set 111 golds as target and accomplished far beyond that. We collected 145 gold medals and total of 323 medals. Wow i really just googled that haha! Obviously Malaysia need to raise our bar high by aiming to win more medals in bigger games like Asian Games, Commonwealth Games and Olympic Games. 

The Closing Ceremony was not as majestic as the Opening Ceremony. But i still enjoyed it till the very last minute. Many Malaysian singers were there singing songs that i know. I've never been to any concert before. This was my very first time. Some of my friends were also there. We were singing like we were the one on stage lol. So much fun it's a crime. However still to me the song choices were not as good because only all Malay songs with no universal appeal and did not highlight the diversity of the nation. I don't think people from other countries including some Malaysians (the Chinese and Indian) actually enjoyed this. And i thought there would be a grand countdown to Merdeka but that was not happening. I mean, we should really considering the Merdeka Eve right instead of just concerts and public holiday announcement. Idk. And i didn't went to any of the games. I was planning to go for the Final Football Game at Shah Alam Stadium. Sadly, there were no online tickets ever sold for the particular game. Just like that, bye bye final football game. Somehow i'm glad i didn't went to the stadium for the match because i was way too emotional watching the game that Thailand ended up winning against Malaysia. Not a good game from the Malaysia team i must say. Just my 2 cents.

Overall it's such a fantastic experience to be at the National Stadium for both ceremonies and there would be this 9th ASEAN Para Games to be held soon. I wonder if i ever have time to watch any Para Games live at the venues. We'll see. Gonna send love and support the disabled as well cause we are in this together. And oh, i really love the theme song for Kuala Lumpur 2017, So Many Hands by Mia Palencia. That song is my kind of song tbh. To the next SEA Games, Manila 2019!

September 2, 2017


To be blunt, i don't have superbly good skin because i have like 30 freckles, dark spots on my face and they show no sign of fading. My mom told me not to count them spots or they will breed more in time. Idk. Somehow, the dark spots and freckles multiplies literally once in a blue moon but they're on my face since forever. I don't know if i'll ever stand a chance to get rid of them. However, i am still grateful that i don't have the struggles that others have with their skin.

So over the years, through a lot of trial and error and product hopping, i've discovered some drugstore gems as well as some splurges that are worth my coins. Yes, Eversoft Facial Wash, Safi Rania Gold and the latest one is Snail Moist Mask by Neula. Literally, these are not the only products i ever applied on my skin. But tbh, Eversoft and Safi Rania are two products that i've been using since forever and still have them today. No matter what (gazzilion) products i used now and then, at the end of the day, i will always get myself these two. I don't know if i never had enough patience or what, but no product really worked on me for long. I constantly changing my skincare routine despite of my sensitive skin type. Oh wait! I don't even have any skincare routine actually. I think i was just exaggerating for a moment lol. While in point of fact, i'm that type of person who buy a product (or anything) and only get excited for only like a week or two, and then totally forget about it. I may for a minute be thinking of having a perfect skin and apply things on my face, but on the next day, i'm just, "nah maybe next time". As long as my skin is okay and not too far down the spectrum, then i'll be good.

The first time i applied Safi Rania Gold was during PLKN. PLKN was the most boring period of my life. I dislike it too much to talk about it at all. But i'm not saying that PLKN was not a good program. I mean, of course this program has it pros and cons. It's just that PLKN was not my cup of tea and that is all. Safi Rania Gold was the first ever complete product that i applied on my face literally everyday including the facial wash, day night cream, toner and even the beauty cream. Omg hahaha i suddenly feel funny. Nonetheless, i swear the product work wonders. At least for me. And i've been using Eversoft Facial Wash since high school. I do not have any issues with Eversoft. I really like the formulation and it suits my skin very well. While Snail Moist Mask by Neula was actually kinda new in the market. I don't even know why i buy it in the first place. But instead of using the mask on my face, i decided to put the mask on my legs lol. For my legs, the dryness was the biggest thing. And somehow this mask did great on reverting my dry legs back to its old better self. My legs now are nowhere near as bad as it used to be because of this mask. Thank you Neula!

I rarely get pimples but when i do, they seem to last for weeks. Blergh! But i never believe in slathering a lot of creams on face, exfoliating like crazy, going under the knife, taking daily or weekly injections for a good and better skin. For me, not drinking enough water and not washing face religiously are the key to the pimples and any skin problems. My skin is a living proof for that. However, i did not object the idea of skincare and supplements for better skin. It's just that most of them are so life challenging that i feel like the need to keep spending $100 a month on it is too much. Did i just sound like a cheapskate? Whatever. I hope i will never head down a skincare rabbit hole that would lead me to spend a big chunk of change. Amen to that!

P/S: The photo of me up there was just for symbolism of great graphic. Lol. Just kidding. Or maybe not.

August 13, 2017


I signed up with Twitter since February 2010 (it's written on the bio when i viewed via web). Back then Twitter was just a dwarf social media site, barely on the radar and only used for people to express their unspeakable thoughts and that's it. I infrequently signed into Twitter too back then. Nonetheless, after the existence of smartphones and unlimited internet plans, i can claim that most people especially fellow millennials do have an active Twitter account. I love Twitter for the reason that we can able to get to know so many real people. Unlike Facebook, Instagram, people are more likely to be themselves on Twitter. It's an easy place to share ideas and access the news. Fastest place to get our word out there. I think of Twitter as the introverts' cocktail party cause we can see those who rarely speak irl finally speak their heart out. It's very fun actually.

However, i find that the fun is no longer there once it has grown so much. Everybody nowadays is on Twitter and screaming their lungs out about literally everything. TMI! Twitter is becoming a place for people to talk (bad) about the whole thing, place to underestimate and make fun of other people, complaining and all that doesn't give any positive energy. NOT ENTIRELY BUT MOSTLY. I hate when i'm scrolling to read some encouraging (or funny) cites or news about the world, news about my friends but then i saw unfavourable tweets. I swear people on Twitter play too much that even some of them make fun of serious people like, we can't even be serious on Twitter are you kidding me (?) People are also exasperating, tweeting crap only for attention and RTs. I swear gossips and rumours on Twitter spread faster than wildfire. Like, the incident only happened about 5 minutes ago, but it's already #1 trending on Twitter. Imagine how fast is that!

Well, frankly, it's not Twitter to be blamed because negativity exists in every single social network. It's the people. It's a shame to see how we are so into the negative things. Make fun and being mean on literally everything without filters, criticizing physical appearance, sending hates while hiding behind the screen, etc. It's sickening. I'm aware that social media is a place for us to have fun but i can't afford too much fun in my body. It makes me dizzy. And i know that everyone has their own opinions about social media and stuff. You can call me lame but i'm still with my opinions. *Brb listening to Heal The World by MJ*

P/S: I actually kinda addicted to social media specifically Instagram and Twitter. I spend unhealthy amount of time on social media especially during my free time. I read Twitter in the morning like it's a newspaper (the reason why i continually logged out from it). I also can be so negative sometimes (i take the blame for that). But whatever it is, always choose to only focus on the good.

August 8, 2017


I am currently on my semester break until early of September. I always love the feeling of just staying at home and go out only to eat and chill with nothing on mind. Gonna enjoy it while i can and pray it will last long though i know that 1 month is really not that long.  

I'm literally done with my first semester. Alhamdulillah so far so good. I hope the upcoming exam results will also be good as well. Amen to that. So factually, master's degree subjects are actually not that hard compared to bachelor's degree. They're about the same. Only most of the subjects for master's degree are in advanced mode. Let say if during bachelor's degree we took Inferential Statistics subject, while during master's degree, we will be studying the Advance Inferential Statistics and sorta (which is sick lol). It will be a bit easy if we are taking the same course as for me, i took Degree in Statistics and Master in Applied Statistics. Which both are in the same line. However, the pressure of doing master's degree is way different compared to bachelor's degree. Some people give up very easily and decided to find another job instead of finishing the studies. Probably because they're not too keen in it. And maybe because of the never ending assignments, projects for individuals, grouping projects and all. The Final Year Project that i did during the bachelor's degree is the weekly project that need to be done during master's degree. Sick. But not that sick. Still endurable to me and should be endurable to all as well. Thank god for my poker face. Even when the subjects are killing me to death, i still manage to remain calm on the outside. Perchance because i was never really good (but never really bad) at studies. Haha. And i am actually a (very) heavy sleeper. Sleep is in point of fact; my passion and i enjoy every second of it. I rarely stay up at night until whatever AM in the morning. I sleep very early even when all of my friends are staying up to study this that. But ever since i sign up with master's degree, i did burn the midnight oil. Lol. I take it as a self development and let's pray for better semesters ahead. Amen!

Some of my friends did approached me and asked me on how was master's degree, should they pursue with master's degree or should they just get a job and settle down instead etc. I never really had a solid answer for all the questions because to be honest, i don't even know what's best. But one thing i'm so sure is, we just do what we want to do. If your heart tells you to get a job but you pursue with master's degree, you might end up quitting too soon right after the first pressure hits and vice versa. It's not that i'm not willing to share my opinion, i mean, it's good to ask for opinions. I do it all the time. But the heart always knows what it wants. You can't come to people and take their advice 100% without considering yourself first. This also applies to everything. If you want something to be done, just do it. Make your own decision and do it yourself. Even Moana (Disney's Movie) restores the heart of Te Fiti by herself. Though in the beginning, it's Maui who supposed to restore the heart while Moana is chosen by the ocean to only deliver Maui to Te Fiti. Which means, in the end, you only have yourself. Just do what your heart desires. Those who mind don't matter and those who matter, don't mind. Okay?

Anyway, above photos are photos i took while i was on the rooftop of Engineering Faculty at UiTM Shah Alam with my sister. The view was breathtaking. I might be going up there again someday during night time while i can.

April 9, 2017


I was browsing about my case study, my brain went completely blank and suddenly have a thought of my full-of-spider-web blog. And so here i am. It's been a while as always. I swear thousand words will be spilled here if i ever have time to write. I don't even blog about my so far so good life (alhamdulillah), my internship, my part time job, my master studies and whatnots yet. But someday i might will. And here, my all time favorite song, Colours Of The Wind by Pocahontas. My favorite line is,"How high does the sycamore grow? If you cut it down, then you'll never know". That line always inspire me to never cut myself down. Love it.