I am currently on my semester break until early of September. I always love the feeling of just staying at home and go out only to eat and chill with nothing on mind. Gonna enjoy it while i can and pray it will last long though i know that 1 month is really not that long.
I'm literally done with my first semester. Alhamdulillah so far so good. I hope the upcoming exam results will also be good as well. Amen to that. So factually, master's degree subjects are actually not that hard compared to bachelor's degree. They're about the same. Only most of the subjects for master's degree are in advanced mode. Let say if during bachelor's degree we took Inferential Statistics subject, while during master's degree, we will be studying the Advance Inferential Statistics and sorta (which is sick lol). It will be a bit easy if we are taking the same course as for me, i took Degree in Statistics and Master in Applied Statistics. Which both are in the same line. However, the pressure of doing master's degree is way different compared to bachelor's degree. Some people give up very easily and decided to find another job instead of finishing the studies. Probably because they're not too keen in it. And maybe because of the never ending assignments, projects for individuals, grouping projects and all. The Final Year Project that i did during the bachelor's degree is the weekly project that need to be done during master's degree. Sick. But not that sick. Still endurable to me and should be endurable to all as well. Thank god for my poker face. Even when the subjects are killing me to death, i still manage to remain calm on the outside. Perchance because i was never really good (but never really bad) at studies. Haha. And i am actually a (very) heavy sleeper. Sleep is in point of fact; my passion and i enjoy every second of it. I rarely stay up at night until whatever AM in the morning. I sleep very early even when all of my friends are staying up to study this that. But ever since i sign up with master's degree, i did burn the midnight oil. Lol. I take it as a self development and let's pray for better semesters ahead. Amen!
Some of my friends did approached me and asked me on how was master's degree, should they pursue with master's degree or should they just get a job and settle down instead etc. I never really had a solid answer for all the questions because to be honest, i don't even know what's best. But one thing i'm so sure is, we just do what we want to do. If your heart tells you to get a job but you pursue with master's degree, you might end up quitting too soon right after the first pressure hits and vice versa. It's not that i'm not willing to share my opinion, i mean, it's good to ask for opinions. I do it all the time. But the heart always knows what it wants. You can't come to people and take their advice 100% without considering yourself first. This also applies to everything. If you want something to be done, just do it. Make your own decision and do it yourself. Even Moana (Disney's Movie) restores the heart of Te Fiti by herself. Though in the beginning, it's Maui who supposed to restore the heart while Moana is chosen by the ocean to only deliver Maui to Te Fiti. Which means, in the end, you only have yourself. Just do what your heart desires. Those who mind don't matter and those who matter, don't mind. Okay?
Anyway, above photos are photos i took while i was on the rooftop of Engineering Faculty at UiTM Shah Alam with my sister. The view was breathtaking. I might be going up there again someday during night time while i can.