October 1, 2017


If you wake up and don't make yourself coffee that you bought at the grocery store earlier this month, then out for work to finally stop at Starbucks and spend RM18 for a cup of coffee, then i guess you know exactly what i mean. Like, isn't it bizarre that people are patiently (or maybe not so) waiting in a over crowded parking lot, spend precious time, to free up so they can walk inside, wait in an even longer line and pay more for a cup of coffee (?) Does it actually worth the exertion? Idk. You tell yourself.

I believe that the only things we spend time and money on are things that we believe are worth more than they cost. But somehow, i kinda feel that sometimes (not really sometimes tbh), we don't buy certain things because of what it's worth or because we really need them. But it's because of our must-have-it-right-now culture that lead to immense anxiety in life. As living proof, there are many who will be jumping at the chance to be the first on their block to have the new iPhone X. Is anyone willing to pay such high price for a mobile phone? You bet. On top of that, for me, it is 100% okay if you have no money issue at all. Because fgs, if you have a lot of money, you can buy anything your heart desires and whatever price is never a problem. But what about those who spend money faster than they make it or even spend money they don't even have for trivial things like an iPhone X while their phones are still functioning well? More often than not, it leads to accruing at least some debt and saving too little for a rainy day. But why do people still do it? Does it really make us happy? Like, really?

I can say that it's actually a psychologically verified thing. Buying things make us visualise ourselves as in a 'better' life. Especially when we dressed nice, surrounded by cool things and looking expensive as a bonus. It actually brings no harm until we recklessly spending for that 'verification' that leads to overspending. Well, i can conclude that binging on things you don't even need in the first place is way worse than food binging at night lol. And sure as for me, i can blame the society and the stores all i want because of this. But in the end, i can only be aware of how my brain is falling for these tricks *insert related emojis*

Last but not least, a note to self as well of course; Don't buy stuff you can't afford, with money you don't have, to impress people that don't even care AT ALL. Act your wage. You shall be fine.