May 24, 2018


 Our favorite month is here again. Alhamdulillah for another Ramadhan. I always love the idea of Ramadhan. How i suddenly have a positively evident change in me, like how being patient becomes so much easier because i know it's Ramadhan and i know better reward is awaits (even though i am actually a short tempered kinda person). The feeling to supplicate is also more than ever because i know i will be granted. And of course, how it not only brings out the best in me, but also in the ones that i love and the ones that love me.

 I thank Allah for He always put me with those who are near and want to be near to Him. For instance, my high school is one of my greatest blessing in life because there was where i was molded to be determined and driven individual, as well as being a faithful servant. I remember one of those time where i was so damn lazy that i hate going to the surau to perform our jemaah prayers, to recite the Quran, Al Ma'thurat every Friday morning. How i was so lazy to recite the Al Mulk every night before the light off. But in the end, since we did it religiously for 5 solid years, i realized that i am still practicing them until today. Not every single day for i am not that perfect. But still, Alhamdulillah. 

 And it doesn't stop there since i am that type of person who will copy any act of kindness and good deeds from other people around me. If it's good, i will follow the act and if it's not, i will tell my best friend about it hahaha jkjk. My UiTM friends are also the ones that directly and indirectly helped me to be better each day. Ever since i was studying Diploma until now, i am blessed with roommates that never missed their prayers, regularly read the Quran and do the supplementary ibadah such as the tahajjud prayers. I admit that there are time where the devil inside me is taking over like no other. But when i saw my friends is getting ready to perform the prayers, read the Quran, i will get on my feet and do the same deed as well. It's the little things that make life big. And i genuinely appreciate that.

So for this Ramadhan, just like the previous ones, i really wish that i will be granted with Lailatul Qadr. I know all my life, with so little efforts that i have made compared to the others, i actually always get more than what i deserved. Alhamdulillah for that. But for this time around, i truly hope that all of my ultimate wishes for this Ramadhan are bestowed. These past days had been a time of reflection for me. I can't say that it was an utter torture since i can still handle the situation quite well. But it's still kinda heavy. Thus, i hope this Ramadhan will shower us so much blessings and provides solace and serenity for all. InsyaAllah.

P/S: Have a blessed Ramadhan, AE.