January 7, 2020


"The average millennial is thousands in debt, has little in bank, yet loves vacation"

It was the other day when me and my ex housemate were discussing about our household bills since she will be moving out to the quarters nearby and everything in the house will be taken over by me starting January. I remember i asked her to confirm, whether she already settled all of the bills so that there will be no shocking outstanding amount left for me to pay.

And one thing led to another, we suddenly talked about debts and out of the blue, my ex housemate was like, "You know, talking about debts, i know a friend who are willing to apply for a personal loan just for a vacation".

My very first reaction was, "Omg is that even a thing?". Haha. But really though. Tbh, previously, the only 'out of the world' loan for me was the wedding loan. You know, to pay for the one-day wedding expenses. I seriously thought that wedding loan was crazy enough but hands down, this vacation loan is the craziest (for now). I mean, how could you do this to yourself? Pardon me but idk.

Personally, if you ask me, i will never ever put vacation loan in my option. I understand it too well that experiences are always above everything. But it is not worth going into debt especially for something that is not absolutely necessary. Loans are okay but you clearly shouldn't take out personal loan just for a leisure trip. I mean, you may be debt-free now that you can 'afford' unnecessary loans. But in the near future, there will be more loans coming your way such as housing loan, car loan and whatnot. Isn't scary how many debts you have at one time especially at such a young age? And you are not even married nor have kids to send to school yet? Damn. 

I found this video above from a screenshot of a blog sent by my best friend. Well, the blog may conclude that the average millennial is thousands in debt, has little in bank, yet loves vacation. And so we gonna let that reality sinks in. But in the end, everybody knows what they worth and what they actually need in this life. Let us not be stereotyped as entitled and unprepared for the real world. We know ourselves better and we can definitely do better. 

Disclaimer: I pray that there will be nobody started to apply for a vacation loan after reading this just because they heard it for the first time from this blog. Major no.